Strengthening Communities ... One Green Job at a time!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Baltimore Green Justice Workers Cooperative (BGJWC) reserves the right to refuse individuals/organizations access and/or entry to our services and/or programs if (1) it is deemed our services and/or programs are not the best fit for an individual/organization; and/or (2) an individual/organization exhibits overly aggressive, explosive and/or volatile behavior. If an individual/organization's application is denied or if an individual/organization is denied access/use of BGJWC's services, programs and/or training that individual/organization will receive information about other local services, programs and/or training that may be more appropriate.

Building Community
Baltimore Green Justice Workers Cooperative (BGJWC) is committed to hosting a series of in-person and virtual conversations with stakeholders that stimulate thought, discussion, dialogue and out-of-the box thinking while building personal connections with participants around Environmental Justice, Climate Change, Energy, Economic & Social Justice issues.
Building Communities Programs/Projects:
Community Conversations/Dialogue (in-person & virtual) on Environmental Justice & Climate Change issues;
Building Bridges between Dar es Salaam, Tanzania & Baltimore, MD (US)
Kwanzaa 365 Days a Year
Creating Green Wealth
Baltimore Green Justice Workers Cooperative is committed to partnering with a wide variety of stakeholders to ensure individuals and organizations from under-served, marginalized and economically challenged communities have the knowledge, resources, skills, training, support and technology to thrive as business owners, nonprofit leaders, coop leaders/members and industry workers in an ever-changing, green industry.

Green Jobs /Green Economy Programs/Projects:
Baltimore Green Jobs Academy
Nonprofit Recycling Initiative
Green Co-op Support/Training

Advocacy, Public Policy & Research
Baltimore Green Justice Workers Cooperative is committed to partnering with a variety of stakeholders to provide historically marginalized, under-served communities with high-quality advocacy, public policy and community-based participatory research and technology support.
Supporting Youth Leadership
YOUTH WARRIORS (YW) was an EJ organization founded by one of the Founding Members of the Baltimore Green Justice Workers Cooperative; it operated from 1996 - 2003 in Baltimore, MD as an afterschool program for middle and high school aged youth who were interested in becoming change agents in the fight against environmental injustice. College students from local universities worked as youth organizers and mentors as part of an internship program. In honor of that legacy, Baltimore Green Justice Workers Cooperative plans to offer an annual small grant award ($500 - $2,500) to teams of youth and young adults of color who live in marginalized, under-served neighborhoods in Baltimore and who want to organize efforts to fight environmental, social and economic injustices. The Grant Award Committee will include former YW participants, former Youth Organizers, Members of the Baltimore Green Justice Workers Cooperative and its Advisory Board.

In addition to the focus areas listed above, Baltimore Green Justice Workers Cooperative (BGJWC) provides fee-for-service consulting to help individuals, nonprofits and businesses develop and implement high-impact non-profit and/or for profit green ventures.
Feel free to email Lynn Pinder (lpinder@greenjusticeworkers.org) to request a copy of BGJWC's Sliding Scale, Fee-for-Service Explanation & Price Sheet to get a better understanding of the types of consulting support BGJWC can provide.