Strengthening Communities ... One Green Job at a time!
Baltimore Green Jobs Academy
Baltimore Green Jobs Academy, an initiative of Baltimore Green Justice Workers Cooperative (BGJWC), provides adults (aged 25 and older) from overburdened, underserved and low-wealth communities in and around Baltimore City with opportunities to complete pre-apprenticeships and other types of workforce development certification/training that will help them jumpstart a pathway into a green career.
Currently, BGJWC's Baltimore Green Jobs Academy offers the following pre-apprenticeships and workforce development opportunities:
Offshore Wind (OSW) Worker Safety Training Pilot, a 12-week (in-person) training that introduces adults (aged 25 and older) to careers in the Offshore Wind and related industries.
The North Avenue Learning Initiative/City of Abraham Church & Ministries, a hybrid Saturday ABE/GED Class that prepares adults (aged 19 and older) to pass all four sections (Math, Social Studies, Science & Reasoning through Language Arts) the Official GED Exam. BGJWC is working to infuse climate literacy into its ABE/GED curriculum.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Baltimore Green Justice Workers Cooperative (BGJWC) reserves the right to refuse individuals/organizations access and/or entry to our services and/or programs if (1) it is deemed our services and/or programs are not the best fit for an individual/organization; and/or (2) an individual/organization exhibits overly aggressive, explosive and/or volatile behavior. If an individual/organization's application is denied or if an individual/organization is denied access/use of BGJWC's services, programs and/or training that individual/organization will receive information about other local services, programs and/or training that may be more appropriate.